There are many items that we might only need to use occasionally so it makes more sense to borrow communal items than to each own them individually. We have all sorts of things for you to use for your home, projects or adventures and will continuously add to our collection. Let us know if there is something you think would be useful for us to source and make available for the community to loan.

No more excuses not to finish those DIY jobs around the house
Tools... and so much more

Outdoor & Adventure Gear
Camping and sports equipment to get you active, exploring the great outdoors and spending quality time with family and friends

Gardening Equipment
Gardening tools so that you can get your backyard or your verge flourishing and do your maintenance around the yard.

Hobbies & Creativity
Equipment to give a new hobby a try and that will help you get creative!

All the things you need when you have guests over while avoiding adding to landfill with things like disposable plates and cups.